About us

Jim Cassetta, Farokh Irani – Editors

Quote: A Democratic society depends on an informed and educated citizenry -Thomas Jefferson

A Declaration!

Welcome to the Orangetown Post. This paper’s purpose is to try to fill the large shoes which the Our Town Newspaper had walked in in the 1970s through the pandemic years in 2020. There will be no investigative reporting, just facts concerning events in the community concerning the details of community groups such as libraries and social groups etc. who may wish to disseminate information concerning their events. There will be thought provoking opinion pieces and articles that we hope will evoke response letters to create an atmosphere of communal thought in Pearl River and Orangetown. All are welcome to submit event information, and business ads, but because at this time it is free to post this kind of information the right of the editors to publish or not to publish is an editorial decision.