Alleged Prostitution Ring Busted in Pearl River

in July of this year local residents noticed an unusual amount of traffic parking along Main Street and franklin avenue along with young men filing in and out of a building at 2 Franklin Avenue across from the Pearl River Post Office.this building once house the Martha Knight Gifts store until the 1980s. originally it had been built at the request of william miller around 1890 which he ran a general store and boarding house. Later his daughter opened the gift shop which was a local landmark. The Pearl River grape vine had been buzzing about the raid and arrests on social media. Pearl River is the sort of town where everyone keeps an eye peeled for trouble, or any sort of odd activity and reports it to the police. The merchants of the area were the first to report suspicious activity to the Orangetown Police Department who then investigated the coming and going of men at all hours of this beauty shop’s business hours. It is the vigilance of Pearl River’s business community and residents who practice a broken window policy toward crime and suspicious activity which keeps the town a good place to live. Pearl River’s citizens protect their most important investment, their homes and hamlet as they most certainly have a right to.

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